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Lecture by Prof. Yang Jikui on Master Qi Baishi's Legendary Life and Art on Oct. 17‏

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Lecture by Prof. Yang Jikui on Master Qi Baishi's Legendary Life and Art
(Delivered in Chinese)

Qi Baishi (1863-1957) was a founding father of contemporary Chinese art and also represented a unique style in the art world internationally. His art is thus a shining part of the splendid Chinese art and culture. Columbia University Asia-Pacific Development Society cordially invites you to a lecture on the legendary life and art of the contemporary grand master Qi Baishi by professor Yang Jikui, a leading second-generation student of Master Qi Baishi. This event is co-sponsored by the Renwen Society at China Institute and TCCSA.

Professor Yang Jikui, a Chinese brush painting artist, is currently a member of the Shanxi Advisory Board on Chinese Art, Culture and History, an honorary director of Shanxi Artist Association, vice president of the Shanxi Society of Chinese Brush Painting Artists, and vice chairman of the Center for Qi Baishi Art Research in Shanxi province. Professor Yang studied Chinese brush painting for decades with master Yang Xiuzhen (1907-2008), one of the very few favorite female students of Qi Baishi. Prof. Yang has been invited as a Qi student for solo art exhibitions in Japan and the US. In 2000, he was invited to lecture on Chinese art at Bridgerwater College of Massachusetts, where he was subsequently conferred the title of Distinguished Honorary Professor in 2003. His art biography has been documented in a dozen of encyclopedias, notably, Chinese Artists Dictionary, Contemporary World Masters of Painting and Calligraphy.

In this lecture, Prof. Yang will relate personal stories about master Qi Baishi's legendary life from a carpenter reaching the status of a renowned Chinese art master belatedly in his 80s, illustrate the celebrated artistic achievement, special features and creative spirit of Qi Baishi's art, explain how master Qi could combine calligraphy, composition and skillful use of plain/color ink and brief brush strokes to express the freshness, liveliness and lyrics of natural subjects. Prof. Yang will further share some untold stories about the unselfishness of Master Qi Baishi in passing his unique skills to his students and the instructive experience Prof. Yang has gained from his own teacher for carrying on the beautiful heritage of Qi Baishi's art.

Event details:
Time: 2-4 pm, Saturday, October 17th
Location: Columbia University Teachers College, Room 125 Zankel Building
Admissions: Free, but reservation is required.
Interested students, professionals and others from the community please register for the event by phone at (646) 912-8861 or online at: http://chineselectures.org/upcoming.html