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  1. Professor Shujiu Fang

    Prof. Shujiu Fang is President of Jiulong Calligraphy and Art Institute of America and President of U.S. Plastic Arts Institute. He has worked as professor and research fellow in universities in China, the U.S. and Canada and held directorship in a Chinese art and design research institute.

    Prof. Fang has created and published many works of art. Some of them have been collected by the United Nations, U.S. President Ronald Reagan, the King of Thailand and some other heads of state as well as universities and museums. He created China’s first 100-horse Stone Tablet Corridor in Suzhou City and was the chief designer of several major large-scale Chinese urban sculptures and artistic landscapes for, inter alia, China’s First Army History Museum, Shanghai International Garden and Guest-greeting Plaza. His highly-appraised works have been sold to over 20 countries.

    Prof. Fang is a multi-talented and accomplished painter, sculptor and senior designer. He paints human figures, scenery, flowers and birds in both Chinese and Western styles though he is particularly adept at painting tigers and horses, having reared tigers for close observation. As an outstanding artist, he is known in the art world as “the King of Tigers, Heavenly Master of Horses and a Treasure of Chinese Culture”. Shujiu Fang’s art is best characterized for its roots in the spirit of traditional Chinese art and its assimilation of features of Western art to form a unique artistic style which conveys feelings with objects and reflects profound ideas and hallmarks of the time with a human touch.

    For his marvelous works, Prof. Fang has been honored with the World Art Celebrity Certificate, the 20th Century Achievement Award, the Golden Award signed by the Supreme Commander of Thailand, and the Outstanding Artist Award by the Mayor of Monterrey Park City, California. He is carried in the International Who’s Who, Collected Works of Contemporary World Celebrities of Arts, and the Yearbook of American Chinese Celebrities.

    Telephones: 917-6093418 & 718-6510259 Email: fangshuj@hotmail.com

  2. 方书久教授艺术简介




    电话号码:917-6093418 718-6510259
