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  1. New! Click the words above to edit and view alternate translations.
    Thursday, October 4, 2012, 6-9PM, Rain or Shine…
    Forty-five venues –arts organizations, non-profits, retail shops, restaurants, artist studios, and other businesses – will open their doors to celebrate the City of Rahway as a fast emerging arts destination in the most interesting and active cultural event of the year – Rahway’s first annual CULTURE CRAWL.
    More than 20 performing arts companies and musicians, and 55 visual artists, will exhibit, entertain, and delight visitors during this one-night feast for arts and culture lovers. All live music, visual arts, performance, interactive art, and outdoor encounters will take place from 6:00-9:00 PM within a four-block radius.
    Produced by Rahway Arts District, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to establishing Rahway as a regional hub for arts and culture, in partnership with the City of Rahway and the Rahway business community, CULTURE CRAWL is fast on the heels of the opening of Hamilton Stage, a 199-seat theater for the performing arts, the new Arts Riverwalk and Arts District parking lot on Hamilton Street, and the recent opening of a number of independent establishments in Rahway’s Arts and Central Business Districts.
    Video, sound, sculpture, performance, music, and other art forms will link Irving Street, Main Street and Cherry Street in a chain of exciting and interactive experiences. A visitor’s map highlighting the sites of art, music, and cultural happenings will be available online at www.ArtsRahway.com and at various locations in town.
    Highlights of the evening include: A beautifully haunting performance by Ballets with a Twist on the Mainstage of Union County Performing Arts Center (1601 Irving Street), the opening reception of STARDUST, a group art exhibit at 1591 gallery (1591 Irving Street), community haiku writing and scavenger hunt by Guerilla Haiku Movement (meeting at the Train Station Plaza at the corner of Irving Street and E. Milton Avenue), a site-specific sound installation by A P Vague under the Irving Street train trestle, a performance of jazz compositions by Jean-Michel Pilc at RSI Bank (1500 Irving Street) and Rahway’s Battle of the Bands on Main Street near the intersection of E. Cherry Street.
    Appetizer and drink specials, raffles, giveaways, and other special promotions will be available to Culture Crawlers with the presentation of a CULTURE CRAWL map. Participating businesses include Aria Bistro & Bar at Hotel Indigo (1 Carriage City Plaza), Flynn’s Irish Pub & Steakhouse (1482 Main St), Cubanu Restaurant (1467 Main St), Wicked Flame retail shop (77 E. Milton Ave), Luciano’s Ristorante & Lounge (1579 Main St), Gino’s Pizzeria (1576 Irving St), The Waiting Room (66 E. Cherry St), and On’ Ja Salon (1520 Irving St).
    For more information, call the Rahway Arts District office at 732-540-1075. Directions to Rahway
    CULTURE CRAWL MAP will be available for download on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24.


  2. 文化CRAWLDATE:2012年10月4号

    四十五个场地的艺术团体,非利润,零售商店,餐厅,艺术家工作室,以及其他业务 - 将敞开大门,为庆祝拉威市作为一个快速新兴的艺术目的地的最有趣和最活跃的文化活动,年 - 拉威的首个年度文化活动。

    超过20个表演艺术团体和音乐家,和55个视觉艺术家,展览,娱乐,和愉悦观众赏心悦目的艺术和文化爱好者在此一晚。所有的现场音乐,视觉艺术,性能,互动艺术,和户外的遭遇会发生在4块半径从6:00-9:00 PM。



    晚上的亮点包括:芭蕾舞的美丽令人难忘的表现,用捻转了主联盟县表演艺术中心(1601年伊荣街),STARDUST的开幕酒会,一组在1591画廊的艺术展览(1591年伊荣街),社区俳句的写作和寻宝的游击的俳运动(会议在火车站广场拐角处的伊荣街,E.米尔顿大道),伊荣街,火车栈桥下一个站点特定的声音安装AP模糊的爵士乐的成分,性能让 - 米歇尔•,PILC在RSI银行(1500伊荣街)和拉威的战斗E.樱桃街交叉口附近的大街上的乐队。

    CRAWL的文化地图的演示文稿文化履带式开胃菜和饮料特价,抽奖,赠品,和其他优惠。参展企业包括英迪格酒店的咏叹调小酒馆和酒吧(1运输城市广场),弗林的爱尔兰酒吧和牛排(1482主要街),Cubanu餐厅(1467主营街),邪恶的火焰零售店铺(77 E.米尔顿大道),卢西亚诺的Ristorante的休息室(1579 MAIN ST),吉诺度假村(1576欧文街),等候室(66 E.樱桃街),和在“JA沙龙(1520欧文街)。




  3. 根据卫星城理事会建议,为配合罗威巿艺术节活动,卫星城初步决定在十月四日星期四在巿图书舘和腼街美中艺术中心画廊举办糸列活动如下:

    1,腼街画廓将举办华裔摄影回顾展,时间:十月二日至十月七日 地点:1498 Main Street Rahway NJ

    2,巿立图书舘多媒体厅举办海外遗珍瑰宝展(部分实物和图片、PPT讲解)时间:(十月六日上午十时。 至。 下午四时,地点:2 City Hall Plaza ,Rahway NJ,07094

    3,尤尼君艺术中心剧场大堂举办著名诗意派创始人范光陵诗意油画展,同时举办著名作家刘世锋 "马头明王"西蔵文化藏品糸列展暨签书仪式,时间:十月四日下午四时到晚八时,地点:UACTP




    ---------- 转发的邮件 ----------
    发件人: 何风 <852671590@qq.com>
    日期: 2012年9月20日星期四
    主题: 转发:文章翻译
    收件人: snowbirdus


    ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
    发件人: "kelsey xu";
    发送时间: 2012年9月20日(星期四) 凌晨4:27
    收件人: "852671590"<852671590@qq.com>;
    主题: 文章翻译

    Hi Hopeful,
    Following is the translation. If you have any questions, just feel free to contact me!

    On July 15th, 2012 according to the lunar calendar of the Tibetan, the Hayagriva series of relief of jade from brand Luoli, which is designed by author Shifeng Liu, have been kept in the Museum of Lhasa after consecrating by 570 eminent monks from Sera Monastery. Thence, the exhibitions and films about Hayagriva, which Shifeng Liu has put painstaking effort in, is slowing unveiled to the world.


    “Looking for Hayagriva” was published in 2010 and it is the first novel that interpreting the Tibetan culture about Tangka and Hayagriva. Readers and experts who take a keen interest in Tibetan missionary culture showed their great interests in this book. However, it is just a prologue for Shifeng Liu herself. How can a book with tens of thousands words become a readable, audible, visual, and collectable work? Shifeng Liu as the first author who commercialized her work, enhanced sales on both products and books to interpret her idea and practice on the commercialization and branding.


    Hayagriva, also known as horse-necked avalokitesvara, “Danzhen” in Tibetan, is Buddha, avalokitesvara, and Dharma. Hayagriva can conquer demons, ghosts, and evil spirits; dispel hindrance of karma, epidemic, sickness, and black magic. This image of Buddha has important status in Tibetan missionary culture that newborns that were born in Tibet will be rubbed with incense ashes from the Hayagriva’s palace in order to be safe and sound.

