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2 条评论:

  1. 《八则幸福哲言》

    * 幸福不是房子有多大,而是房子里的笑声有多甜;
    * 幸福不是你能开多豪华的车,而是开着车能平安到家;
    * 幸福不是存了多少钱,而是天天身心自由,不停地干自己喜欢的事儿;
    * 幸福不是当了多大的官,而是无论走到哪儿,人们都说你是个好人;
    * 幸福不是吃得好穿得好,而是没有病;
    * 幸福不是爱人多漂亮多帅气,而是心心相印,患难与共,笑容灿烂;
    * 幸福不是成功时喝彩多么热烈,而是在你失意或遇到灾难时有个声音对你说:朋友别倒下,我来支撑这一切;
    * 幸福不是听过多少甜言蜜语,而是在你伤心落泪时有人对你说:没事的有我在!


  2. 心灵调整专家李平的方法如下,她认为:每个人身体与宇宙是合一的,人的磁场与宇宙磁场是统一的,既所谓“天人合一“。


    So the question is how to create or achieve a vibration harmony with peace and prosperity? You can have all the peace and prosperity by using the following simple 3 step process.

    But, before I share with you the 3 simple steps, here is the mindset you must have in order to produce the result. If you believe situations, cercomstances, people, ecomnay are the cause of your current reality, then you much shift this mindset to I am completely responsible for my reality. without this mind shift nothing can be done. Remember your mind is the instruement that is responsible for your reaity. If you give your power to the reality outside of you then you totally give away your power of co-recreating your reality the universe and the divine. So you might as well just give up on trying so hard witho ut seeing thepeace or the prosperity showing up in your life.
