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  1. To Members and Friends
    One China Committee

    U.S.-China Joint Statement on Taiwan

    The United States and China issued a joint statement in Washington, D.C. on January 19, 2011. The statement consists of 41 articles in six categories covering a wide range of topics: Strengthening U.S. - China Relations; Promoting High-Level Exchanges; Addressing Regional and Global Challenges; Building a Comprehensive and Mutually Beneficial Economic Partnership; Cooperating on Climate Change, Energy and the Environment; and Expanding People-to-People Exchanges
    On Taiwan, it states:
    "6. Both sides underscored the importance of the Taiwan issue in U.S. - China relations. The Chinese side emphasized that the Taiwan issue concerns Chinas sovereignty and territorial integrity, and expressed the hope that the U.S. side will honor its relevant commitments and appreciate and support the Chinese sides position on this issue. The U.S. side stated that the United States follows its one China policy and abides by the principles of the three U.S.-China Joint Communiques. The United States applauded the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and welcomed the new lines of communications developing between them. The United States supports the peaceful development of relations across the Taiwan Strait and looks forward to efforts by both sides to increase dialogues and interactions in economic, political, and other fields, and to develop more positive and stable cross-Strait relations."\
    Like the previous joint statement on November 19, 2009 issued in Beijing, it did not mentiion the Taiwan Relations Act. As President Obama said in November in Shanghai after the 2009 joint statement, he saw no need to change Washington's "on
