

1 条评论:

  1. 1990年,为迎接张学良将军回国,80高龄的张学铭将军的私人秘书、特使李前玉赴美国纽约与张学良将军原机要秘书田雨时先生会晤,闲余间登上纽约世界贸易中心大楼顶鸟瞰纽约全境。在此世界建筑最高点留下一生最光辉的纪念。
    In 1990, to welcome the return of General Zhang Xueliang, 80 old private secretary general Xue-ming, former Special Envoy Li Yu went to Chang Hsueh-liang in New York and former confidential secretary met Mr. Tian Yushi, leisure room to board the New York World Trade Center in New York rooftop overlooking the whole environment. The highest point in leaving this world a lifetime building to commemorate the most brilliant.
