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  1. Media Center Theory of peaceful unification Alliance Constitution and the Bill

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    The Declaration of World Peace and Unification


      As we know, the world today is developing toward economic globalization.

      As we know, the world today has become an earth village.

      As we know, everything happened in the world today becomes well-known in a twinkling all over the earth village through internet, which connects the entire human kind together.

      We have to unveil the essences, rules and principles of all phenomena in existence in the world today, in order to help the world people make wise and decisive choices when the historic moment comes and the history is about to have qualitative change, thus guide the human kind into an age of permanent peace.

    1.The center of the world

      There is a universe inside everything. A molecule has a center, so does the solar system, and there must be a center for the whole universe; a family has a center, so does a nation, and there must be a center for the whole world.

      Everything is both an entirety and a part. Every country in the world is a part?a?ano matter how huge its area is or how strong its power is , it is still a part of the world and can never replace the entirety. We affirm that an organization that can represent the entirety of the world will come forth in the future.

      Everything is a contradictory between form and content. Corresponding to the non-uniform forms of more than 100 countries in the world, there must be a non-uniform content without peace and unification. Therefore, being the bravest dream of the humankind, the content of world peace and unification must correspond to a form of peace and unification.

      Everything develops in a process of negation and re-negation. The human society is developing in a similar process by satisfying the desire of its members in different layers?a?afirstly, satisfied everyone's desire, which is in a primitive status; secondly, satisfied the slave owners' desire only, this is in the slavery society; and later, satisfied everyone's desire again, when the society developed into a higher and more stable layer. The human society is going to complete the whole developing process and reaches an exclusive stable and invariable state.

      Everything experiences a process of occurrence, development, invariableness and withering away. The invariable status of the human society is the world peace and unification.

      Everything is constructed by higher and lower layers. The highest layer of the solar system is the Sun, and the lowest is the moon. The highest layer of an army is the headquarters, and the lowest are the squads. Any single nation in this world can not replace the highest layer; and there must be an organization that can rule all nations and become the highest layer.

      Qualitative change is the solution to the contradictories of all things. The conformity of the human society, namely the invariable status, is the qualitative change from development to invariableness. The eventual conformity of the human society is the only way to solve all contradictories in the world today; and none but to solve these contradictories can we achieve real world peace.

      Everything follows a rule called "the three styles", which is also called the rule of "positiveness, negativeness and conformity". Therefore, mentalism and materialism, spirit and substance, proletariate and bourgeoisie, socialism and capitalism, public-owing system and private-owning system, oriental culture and western culture, they are contrary yet exist upon each other; they are opposite yet unitive. The world is developing towards the invariable status; and everything is tending towards unification. Thereat, unification is the necessary destination of the human society.

       During the development towards invariableness, things are in a collective status. The development of human society is a continuous conformity from lower levels to higher levels, which is also a development towards invariableness in a collective status. Therefore, the eventual conformity of the human society is close at hand. After this conformity, there must be a center of the world. When the human society enters into an invariable social status, there comes the age of permanent peace.

    2. A retrospection of the world

      Ever since the 18 century Industrial Revolution in England, enormous change has taken place in the human society and the whole world. Just like the words expressed by Carl Marx, "the whole society has split into two adverse camps, two directly antitheses classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariate; regions with different interests, laws, governments and customs has combined into a nation with unified government, law, national interest and custom". All these indicate that the human society is conforming from lower levels to higher levels on a brand new lay.

      To understand the relationship between the phenomena and essences of the whole world, we have to reason from universal rules in common things. As we all know, everything is a contradictory. In ancient orient it was called the rule of "Yin, Yang and He'; in western culture it is called the rule of antithetic unification. This rule explains a molecule as well as the whole world. Both oriental and western Philosophers agree on the forming relationship inside a contradictory. However, although the developing process of everything is an antithetic unification, it could develop from unification to antithesis and vice versa. Western philosophers emphasize on antithesis, while oriental philosophers emphasize on unification. Since the eventual conformity of the human society is unification, the oriental philosophical method should be intensified nowadays.

      According to the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Zi, "the world contains both Yin and Yang; they are opposite to each other and thus reach a balance". The first sentence refers to the positive and negative sides of things; the second explains the conformity of both. For one thing everything is composed of two opposite elements; for another there is a mutual effect between theses two elements, thus an impact power comes into being. Here Lao Zi explained only the general relationship between antithesis and unification. He explained the concrete developing process in the following words: subdue the sharpness, solve the confusion, neutralize the light and assimilate the world. Macroscopically, take the form of the whole universe as an example, the big explosion of the universe produced a kind of impulsive force, this is a collective power which is called "Tao Chong" by Lao Zi. In the microcosmic world, even the burgeoning process of a grain of bean has an impulsive force, a power that makes a bean grow into a sprout. Similarly, in the human society, there must be an impulsive force in the formation of bourgeoisie and proletariate, a collection of all kinds of powers that brings conflicts, or say, antithesis. The power and direction of the impulsive force always accompanied the object. For example, during the formation of the sun, the earth and the moon, there were a lot of powers clashing to each other. Theses powers are of different kind, in different directions, restricting each other; and after a period of whetting and matching, reach a status of invariableness.

       The human society follows the same rule. Take bourgeoisie per se, the impulsive forces in this social class are not in the same direction, they themselves fighting for their respective interests, thus resulted in the two world wars. Due to the Tao Chong between proletariate and bourgeoisie, the communist movement took place. These conflicts and antithetic state were called "Tao Chong" by Lao Zi; and Confucius called them "Surging". Karl Marx's theory about the proletariate's impact on the bourgeoisie is also a theory of Tao Chong. Marx expressed his theory in one word?a?ato eradicate private-owning system, which means the replacement of bourgeoisie by the proletariate. In Lao Zi's cosmology, the theory is to spare the sufficient and complement the insufficient, say, to spare the sufficiency of the bourgeoisie and complement the insufficiency of the proletariate.

      The circulating rule of the universe is a kind of power which balances the society yet can not be changed by human will. It is necessary for the harmoniousness of the human society; otherwise, the bourgeoisie phenomena that are violating natural laws can not be corrected. Then, the bourgeoisie sharpness can not be subdued, and the confusion in the human society can not be solved.

      Everything in the universe tends to express itself excessively. That is to say, the Marxist theory of eradicating bourgeoisie expresses the proletarian tendency excessively; and the desire of occupying all capitals expresses the bourgeoisie tendency excessively. The final results must be "subdue the sharpness and solve the confusion". Neither of the two sides of the contradictory can completely achieve its will. The proletariate can not eradicate the bourgeoisie, and the bourgeoisie can not occupy all capitals, at the end everything reaches a state of "neutralize the light and assimilate the world". Accordingly, antithesis developed into unification. The universal law will not change for this world, which is going towards unification consequentially.

       "Neutralize the light and assimilate the world" refers to that, the contradictory starts from Tao Chong, passing the duration of excessively expression by both sides, and developed from antithesis to unification. Looking back, the two world wars are the Tao Chong, the solution to the bourgeoisie's own contradictories. The Marxist theory is a Tao Chong theory, the solution to the contradictories between proletariate and bourgeoisie. The formation of everything develops from antithesis to unification. This process will never avoid the cosmology of Lao Zi.

      If there were no Marxist theory, proletariate and socialism would not be like today. In the same way, if there were no Marxist theory, bourgeoisie and capitalism would not be like today either. These phenomena in the world today are the results of the impact brought by Marxism in the first place. It's like the universal explosion resulted in today's positions of the sun, the earth, the moon and other planets; or the bean sprout could never break the bean crust. The historic status of Marxism can never be denied.

      Marxism has already fulfilled its historical mission. Today, if we still use Marxist theory as guidelines in our practice, it would be like to resume the universal explosion in the solar system. Today's solar system has entered into a phase of the "light and world" in Lao Zi's cosmology. It is an invariable phase, or say, a unified phase. It is impossible to resume the explosion.

      Today, the world has completed its Tao Chong phase; that means the phase of "subdue the sharpness" is over. Both the world wars, in which the bourgeoisies fought with each other for interests, and the forcible revolution between proletariate and bourgeoisie, had become history. The "sharpness" was subdued and the "confusion" was solved. Today's world has entered into the phases of "the light and the world", is developing from antithesis to unification. Capitalism is becoming socialized and socialism is becoming capitalized. This superposition phenomenon is exactly unification. Nowadays, proletariate and bourgeoisie, socialism and capitalism are tending forwards to the phase of unification.

      The conformity of human society continuously develops from lower levels to higher levels. It is a process of conformity, breaking the conformity, re-conformity, and then re-breaking the conformity until reaches the final conformity. The world today has reached the moment of final conformity for the human society. This final conformity is not a simple replacement of capitalism by socialism, the conquering of bourgeoisie by proletariate, the replacement of public-owning system by private owning system; the final conformity is the unification of all these contradictories.

      Because of the knowledge barrier and inertia in people's understanding, there are a lot of people all around the world's corners who still persist to the wrong idea that proletariate could overthrow bourgeoisie, and there are also a lot of people who think that capitalism could eradicate socialism. People have these mistaken understandings, because they don't understand the rules and laws of the universe.

      Although the human society is circulating according to the universal laws, there are still some uncertain factors in it. For example, in the last century, when oriental China was united from great chaos, the most important thing for her is to develop the productivity; however, owing to the mistakes in the guiding ideology, the artificial Cultural Revolution took place. The society dropped back to the prophase of Tao Chong, and the nation suffered from unnecessary damage. Nowadays, the situation is the same. The human society has already entered in to an age of unification, whereas many nations are still adopting Lao Zi's Tao Chong theory and Confucius' "surging" theory, initiating wars everywhere. This violates the universal laws, breaks the general rule of developing in phases. If we persist to the conflicting ways, the world will return to the former status and Tao Chong and "Surging" will appear again. In that way, our world will once more face the wars, and a soon coming world of Great Harmony which has been looking forward by all people merely becomes a bubble. Nobody in the world would like to see this ending.

    3. The transition of the world

      What kind of a moment is today's world entering? The world today is entering into a very important historic transition. From the invariableness rule of things and the rule that everything develops in a collective state, we could clearly recognize the coordinate of the development of the world today.

      Marx had once said that everything has its occurrence, development and withering away. We do not totally agree to this narration. It missed the essence of things. The complete narration should be: everything has its occurrence, development, invariableness and withering away. Invariableness is the essence of things; it is the lengthiest phase that everything must experience. For an apple, it occurs from a flower, develops in growing, reaches its invariableness when it is mature and does not grow any more, and after being eaten, it withers away. It is the same for a bottle of water, a house, a person, even the entire human society. The human society occurs when it first came into being, develops from the matriarchal clan society to the paternal clan society, and so on, until the final conformity; after the final conformity, the human society enters into the invariableness of permanent world peace, and at last, human kind withers away together with the destruction of the earth.

      The development of human society is a continuous conforming process from lower layers to higher layers. After the final conformity, human society reaches a state of invariableness, which is the world peace. Many philosophers at all times and in all over the world had sensed this invariableness. Confucius called it "peace under the sun". In the west, it is called "world peace"; in the east, it is called "a world of Great Harmony". Sun Zhongshan called it "everything belongs to the people"; and Karl Marx called it "communism". Under these various narrative forms, there is one same meaning?a?athe invariableness of the human society.

      In what conditions does the human society develop from lower levels to higher levels, and finally enter into the invariableness? This depends on what kind of collective state the development of things is in.

      How to understand that things are developing in a collective state into invariableness? Taking boiling water as an experiment in our daily life, it takes ten times longer to boil water from 1 degree centigrade to 9 degree centigrade than from 90 degree centigrade to 100 degree centigrade. At the beginning, time goes slowly; yet when the temperature reaches 90 degree centigrade, it soon reaches boiling point and enters into the state of invariableness. The boiling point of water is 100 degree centigrade, and never 101 degree centigrade, otherwise it is not invariableness. Both natural science and social science, and elements of the social science such as politics, economy, military affairs and culture, are all following this rule.

      Consequentially, the human society is the same. From 2.5 million years ago to 10 thousand years ago, human kind experienced matriarchal clan society, paternal clan society and tribal society. Slavery society started from about 8,000 years ago, which was followed by the feudalist society started from 3,000 years ago. Modern civilization (includes socialist society and capitalist society, they belong to the same era) has a history of almost 300 years. There out, the development of human society is completely in a collective state. Anyone can deduce the coming time of the final conformity.

      There is another reasoning way. The latest one hundred years has exceeded the past thousands of years; the latest two decades has exceeded the past one hundred years; the latest decade has exceeded the past two decades; and it doesn't need another hundred years to exceed the coming decade. Therefore, human society IS facing the final conformity.

      People all over the world should clearly recognize that the human society is entering the state of invariableness. As long as the people all over the world united together, with enthusiastic and collaborating spirit, the invariable ideal human society of peace and unification is not far.

    4. The harmoniousness of the world

      The invariable social state is the state when human society has completed the final conformity and reaches the conservation of energy. Human abide by the rules of the earth; earth abide by the rules of heaven; heaven abide by the rules of "Tao"; and "Tao" abide by the rules of nature. Nature is the rule of rules. Bees and ants in the nature have obtained a primitive conservation of energy. Materially they do what they can do, and distribute according to need. Spiritually they do not trespass on each other, and everything goes peacefully. When human society enters into its invariableness, the two biggest human desires are satisfied, thus reaches the conservation of energy in both spirit and material.

      Materially, a human being has to exert all his energies (release); at the same time all consumed energies needs to be satisfied. Spiritually, he needs to respect everyone else; at the same time everyone else respects him. Then he can achieve spirit and material conservation of energy.

      The spiritual and material conservation of energy of a person is built on the basis of the family. In a disordered family, it is hard for the family member to achieve spiritual and material conservation of energy.

      For a family, having ample food and clothing (materially) and every member on good terms (spiritually) means the spiritual and material conservation of energy.

      The spiritual and material conservation of energy of a family is built on the basis of a region. In a disordered region, a family feels unsafe materially, and spiritually can acquire no respect from other people; therefore it can not achieve spiritual and material conservation of energy.

      If in a certain region, people don't have to lock their doors at night (spiritually) and no one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road, then this region has achieved spiritual and material conservation of energy.

      The spiritual and material conservation of energy of a region is built on the basis of a nation. In a disordered nation, the regions can never achieve spiritual and material conservation of energy.

      If in a certain nation, people live and work in peace (spiritual) and everything is thriving and prosperous, then this is the spiritual and material conservation of energy, i.e. a harmonious society.

      The harmoniousness of a nation is built on the basis of the world peace and unification. As long as the human society has not achieved the final conformity, there exists a danger of world war; and so far as there is the danger of world war, the harmoniousness of any nation is but a mansion built on the sand. Only when the human society achieves its final conformity, eradicates the armies, and enters into a state of invariableness, does it achieve real harmoniousness.

      Nowadays, there are many nations that are abundant in materials, yet they have adopted an antithetic thinking and therefore making many troubles in the world. No matter how hard they try to build a spiritual and material conservation of energy of their own, only if they don't adopt a unitive thinking way, the world can not achieve unification; as long as the world is not unified, they can never enjoy real peace. There could be terrorist attacks anytime anywhere; and peace is only a daydream. So far as the world is not unified, no single nation can achieve spiritual and material conservation of energy, nor can it acquire real social harmoniousness; its people cannot live and work in peace.

      We appeal to the leaders of the 158 nations of the world, do not pay attention to their own country's peace and development only; let's make our greatest efforts to achieve the conformity of the world. Only through the final conformity, can the human society enter into invariableness, and can every nation obtain its real peace and development.

    5.The contradictory of the world

      The world today is full of contradictories. In order to solve these contradictories, we have to obtain correct thinking manners, understandings, judgment and methods. The methods adopted by the people today are not only useless in solving the contradictories, but also make them more complicated, and further confuse the society.

      What are the main contradictories in the world today?

      ?- ?-.

      Contradictory between developed countries and undeveloped countries; usually embodied in the irrational competition phenomena in the economic globalization;

      Contradictory between cultures of different nations;

      Contradictory between large nations and small nations; the large western nations are interfering with other nations' interiors everywhere, thus the contradictory between interfering nations and interfered nations, especially the one between Islamic nations and the United States, which has upgraded into national enmity;

      Contradictory among large nations that have been interfering in a certain area and aroused long-term antinomy and wars;

      Contradictory between large nations;

      Contradictory between those who want to resume the militarism and those who oppose militarism;

      Contradictory of nuclear diffusion;

      Contradictory of terrorism;

      Contradictory among races;

      Contradictory among religions;

      Contradictory between impoverished nations and affluent nations;

      Contradictory of environmental pollution;


      Everything in the world has a program. A computer has a program; cooking has a program; dressing has a program; the management of everything has a program. Similarly, in solving the contradictories in the world, it needs a program as well.

      In the ancient China, the contradictories among the Han nationality, Manchu and the Mongolia nationality are solved after conformity, instead of before it. So is the contradictory between the Islamic nations and the United States. They should not try to solve this contradictory first and than turn to the conformity of the human society; but to achieve the final conformity of human society first, then the contradictory could be solved root and branch.

      In the same way, it is not that we should eradicate the armies first and then achieve the conformity of human society; it is that only after we have achieved the final conformity can we eradicate the armies. It is not that we should eliminate racialism first and then achieve the conformity of human society; it is that only after we have achieved the final conformity can we eliminate racialism. Accordingly, all contradictories in the world today must be built on the basis that only when we have achieved the final conformity of human society can we solve the contradictories in the world today. Therefore, the most important contradictory of the world today is to achieve the final conformity of human society, which is to establish a world government.

      According to the current world situation, it is impossible to solve the contradictories all over the world, unless to establish a world government.

      Nowadays, the conditions for the world's conformity are mature. It is like a baby who had already stayed for 10 months in the mum's abdomen, time has come for it to get out, and it can not wait anymore. It is also like cooking, when the duration is at the right point, we cannot hesitate at the moment. Food can not be cooked for too long in the pan; and a baby can not stay for too long inside the mother. Human being is facing the exact time for conformity, and should not delay any longer. At present, people are adopting wrong methods in solving the contradictories. They are thinking and acting in antithetic ways. Chronically, these dangerous and useless solutions will intensify the contradictories, just like incorrect cooking would ruin the dish; the world would become even more confused and finally go to wars again.

    6.The world government

      The final conformity of the world is the invariableness of human society. This conformity must have a center, which is the establishment of a world government. The European people were so exited about the establishment of the European Union, which is an objective phenomenon that can not be changed by human will. EU is a necessary consequence of the conforming process of human society from lower levels to higher levels. Although the European people are aiming at the safety and development of Europe only, objectively it is spanning towards the final conformity of human society. However this is not the end, European Union needs to go further to become European Government; and the other six continents also need to establish their own Union and then continent governments. The presidents of the seven continent governments are going to be the candidates of the world president; the final right lies in the world people's hands to elect their own world president. Then, the world government is finally established.

      The establishment of the world government indicates that the continuous conformity of human society from lower levels to higher levels has finally completed, which means that the human society has entered the state of invariableness. The world finally achieves it peace and unification.

      With the establishment of the world government, all contradictories mentioned above will be solved easily.

      With the establishment of the world government, armies of all nations in the world will be disappeared automatically. Wars are eliminated from the human society ever since. All countries will be subjected to the police organization of the world government.

      With the establishment of the world government, the nuclear diffusion problem will be settled root and branch. No nation has the right to manage A-bombs, which will be managed by a special institution of the world government. The nuclear materials will be translated by modern science into industrial and agricultural energy. Human beings will no long live under the threat of nuclear weapons. People won't have mental fears any more.

      With the establishment of the world government, nations all over the world can save their national defense construction expenses to help the impoverished nations improving their people's lives. In the past, the total amount of national defense expenses is enough to solve the poverty problem in Africa for several times.

      With the establishment of the world government, the antagonism among nations, nationalities and regions that had existed for a long period of time can be get rid of completely. Terrorism no longer exists; no hostile forces in the nations; national estrangement engendered from long-term wars will be finished off like defoliated leaves cleared by the wind.

      With the establishment of the world government, human kind will enter into an integrated state. People think and create for the development of productivity only; for living a better life only; and no longer have to waste their efforts on those meaningless antagonism instead of a happy and peaceful world.

      With the establishment of the world government, people don't have to carry through fussy procedures in and out the boundaries. They can travel freely to any region of the world for sightseeing ?-?-.


      Although the world is entering into the invariableness of peace and unification, the corners all over the world are still not in peace at the present. Disorder scenes exist everywhere. It is hard to see that this world is about to enter the Great Harmony. How come? It is because that the cognitive disunity of different nationalities and cultures has resulted in the disunity of the world. In order to unify the world, we have to unify people's thoughts; to unify people's thoughts, there should be a unified cultural theory; and to establish a unified cultural theory, we have to extract the distillates of all nationalities in the world. Therefore, we must integrate all cultures and theories that are propitious to the world peace and unification to form a theory which is the most comprehensive, most profound, most scientific and systematic that can reflect the circulating rules of the universe. This theory is the invariableness of the human society. Using Internet as its media, and the world politics, economy and culture as its carrier, this theory will soon help the people to complete the final conformity of the human society.

    1. The unification of philosophies

      In any time, people make mistakes in practices because they choose improper guiding theories. Academic mistakes are mistakes in the cognition of philosophies.

      In different times and regions, people have different understandings toward philosophies. Therefore there are prodigious discrepancies. Different philosophical genres such as mentalism and materialism have different impacts on the societies. At present, the human society is facing the final conformity. All philosophical genres will only avoid unilateralism by tending towards unification; and only when these genres leave unilateralism, can they guide people towards the final conformity of the human society.

      Let's take the ancient oriental philosophy as an example. It is usually considered fragmentary and frugal. Yet now, we have found through comparing the phenomena in the final conformity of the human society that, the three "wholeness" theories brought forth respectively by the Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism have sufficiently explained the essence and rules of the human society. These "wholeness" theories can correct many improper circulating rules of the universe in the past.

      The Taoist "Wholeness" refers to the structure of the universe. Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three and three gave birth to the world. This is the Taoist explanation of the composing state of the universe. Everything was composed of layers, such as the sun, the earth, the moon, a molecule, an atom, a proton, father, son, grandson, province, city, county, town, village, family and so on. The idea in the past that the families will wither away does not exist at all. The conformity of human society is developing continuously from lower levels to higher levels, therefore the idea that nations and the composing layers?a?athe administrative institutions?a?awill wither away does not exist at all. The nations will keep in existence in the future, and further more, there will be seven continental governments in the world, and finally there will be a world government.

      The Buddhist "wholeness" refers to the universal energy; it means that all rules can be concluded in one, which is the superposition of all things, i.e. unification. According to this theory, the positive and negative electricity need to be unified; man and woman need to be unified; spirit and material need to be unified; "existence decides consciousness" and "consciousness decides existence" need to be unified; proletariate and bourgeoisie need to be unified; socialism and capitalism need to be unified; public-owning system and private-owning system need to be unified; and oriental culture and western culture need to be unified. The whole world needs to be unified, and it is impossible for the positive electricity to conquer the negative electricity; for man to conquer woman; for proletariate to conquer bourgeoisie; for public-owning system to conquer private-owning system; and for oriental culture to replace western culture. The destination of the world is unification, not antagonism.

      The Confucian "wholeness" means things are linked by one same situation that lasts forever. When a thing enters the invariableness, it enters into a state of to-and-fro circulation which keeps uniform forever. For examples, the circulations of the sun, the earth and the moon are already in a state of invariableness. They circulate in a fixed relationship day after day, year after year. When the human society achieves the final conformity, it enters in to invariableness, and thus a peaceful social state that will last forever.

      The relationship between mentalism and materialism is the relationship between spirit and material, as well as the relationship between existence and consciousness. It needs to be unified. If there is an antithetic state exists inside a system, it needs to be unified. Only when there is antagonism, there is unification; and there is the rule of antithetic unification. Traditional cultural and moral idea reaches its peak in Confucius and Lao Zi; no followers could ever surpass them. Chinese ancient poems reach the peak in the famous Tang poets Li Bai and Du Fu; no followers could ever surpass them. Similarly, dialectic reaches its peak in Kant and Hegel; no followers could ever surpass them. Kant and Hegel had given extremely perfect explanations in Dialectic. The rule in the analysis of spirit and material, as well as existence and consciousness, is "positiveness, negativeness and unification". Positiveness and negativeness depend on each other. They are each other's preconditions. They united together and this is not a relationship that one decides another. For example, in physics, it does not matter that which one of the positive and negative electricity is more important. It is not right to emphasize the priority of each one of them.

       "Existence decides consciousness" and "consciousness decides existence" is a pair of contradictory. The cognition of the world is "existence decides consciousness"; the alternation of the world is "consciousness decides existence". The cognition of the world is materialism; and the alternation of the world is mentalism. All modernized things today are the outer appearance of people's consciousness upon the world. In the contradictory, the antithetic element corresponds to "existence decides consciousness"; and the unified element corresponds to "consciousness decides existence". Take the contradictory between proletariate and bourgeoisie as an example. Suppose the workers are resisting the capitalists and had destroyed the capitalists' properties. If the capitalists are thinking in a way of "existence decides consciousness", they will stop the workers' doings through suppressive means, thus the antagonism between proletariate and bourgeoisie. However, if they are thinking in a way of "consciousness decides existence", which means that they are guided by an oriental culture of "benignancy, goodness, respectfulness, frugality and modesty" which is relatively independent, they will earnestly check over their own defects in the past and generally improve the welfare of the workers, thus there would be no antagonism between workers and capitalists, only a peaceful happy ending. In this way, proletariate and bourgeoisie reach their unification.

      Intensify materials only and neglect spirit; or intensify "existence decides consciousness" only and neglect "consciousness decides existence" is materialism, and is tending towards unilateralism. It only emphasizes the antithetic element in the rule of antithetic unification, intensifies the antagonistic elements in the contradictory of social scientific rules. Materialism and mentalism, composed by the impartibly pair of spirit and material, has been irreconcilable and antagonistic for so many years; today they must and will be unified together.

      Everything in the world is a contradictory, follows the rule of antithetic unification. Antithesis produces movements; while unification produces energy. Antithesis and unification are the absolute conditions in the existence and developments of all things. A thing is going to die out when there is only antithesis and no unification; a thing can not develop any more if there is only unification and no antithesis, and it dies out anyway. Mentalism and materialism, spirit and material, "existence decides consciousness" and "consciousness decides existence" are all contradictories; among them is the dialectic rule of "three in one". This rule is eternally unalterable. Later generations' amendment to Hegel's Dialectics is as superabundant as the amendment to Li Bai's pomes.

      In the past, people only emphasized on one side of the contradictory of spirit and material, and then drew the necessary conclusion that the superstructure is built on the basis of the economic foundation. Economic foundation decides superstructure. Along with the development of the economy, the superstructure that once had been directing people's actions is now going to be overthrown. It totally negated the objective truth that spirit is relatively independent, and entirely throw off the morals that had been regulating people's behavior. In this way, people's ideology is confused, and the society is confused too.

    2. The unification of proletariate and bourgeoisie

      If we observe the social science through philosophical methods, we can well and truly draw this conclusion at once: proletariate and bourgeoisie is going to be unified, because the existence of everything in the world follows the rule of "three in one" (positveness, negativeness and unification). The two antithetic sides of one system are necessarily going to be unified. Proletariate and bourgeoisie are in one system and they are antithetic, being each other's preconditions, consequently they are going to be unified. For the last 150 years, the communist movement has still not achieved its final success, because it adopted an antithetic form of forcible revolution. The world today has entered an era of the unification of proletariate and bourgeoisie.

      As we all know, the word proletariate came forth together with the birth of bourgeoisie. In the 18th and 19th centuries, when the bourgeoisies was just arisen, they had exploited the works excessively for the development of their capitals. Since the antithesis of this pair of contradictory is objective, there comes forth the Marxist theory, a theory that the proletariate will overthrow the bourgeoisie. Therefore the bourgeoisie has to adjust their relationship with the proletariate; they have to sufficiently consider the interest of the proletariate, if they don't want to be overthrown by them. When the proletariate are satisfied in their interests, and owns their own property, they no longer want to overthrow the bourgeoisie, thus the unification between proletariate and bourgeoisie. The relationship between them changes into business owners and workers, which is a relationship between leader and the led.

      People need to live on as long as the existence of the human society; and in order to live on, they need materials and products. If they need materials and products, there should be factories. So far as there is a factory, there is the owner and the workers. Therefore, the contradictory between factory owners and workers is eternal. Even in a world of Great Harmony, this contradictory still exists. When the human society enters into an invariable society of peace and unification, it is the unification of proletariate and bourgeoisie.

    3.The unification of socialism and capitalism

      The relationship between socialism and capitalism is like the relationship between proletariate and bourgeoisie, it is not completely in form, but has actual content. The form of bourgeoisie and proletariate is actually the content of factory owner and workers. Even if the bourgeoisie were overthrown, there would be new factory owners. As long as there is a factory, there exists this pair of contradictory. Even in the public-owning factories, there still are the contradictories between managers and workers. Overturn of the bourgeoisie is not the right solution to this contradictory.

      Ostensibly, socialist nations and capitalist nations are different; actually they are doing same things, only in different names. Everything follows the rule of conservation of energy. The tensile force of the moon and the gravitation of the earth have to reach the conservation of energy; positive and negative electricity have to reach the conservation of energy. So does the human society. In the human society, capital is the energy, and the conservation of energy here means that the materials should be used for the whole society instead of owned by a minority of people. Capitalism emphasizes on the development of capital; and socialism emphasizes on the socially owning of all materials. Although capitalism aims at the extreme abundance of materials, it has to bring these materials into the whole society; although socialism aims at equality of the people, that everyone in the society could live an affluent life, it has to make great efforts in developing the productivity. Without the development of productivity, no one could live an affluent life.

      Socialism and capitalism are the two sides of one thing, only in different names and emphasize on different points. They are doing the same thing. Take the capitalist America as an example; this nation is doing very well in the workers' welfare, salary, bonus and endowment insurance, etc. Almost every one has reached a middle class living level. They combine many socialist elements, such as the planned adjustment and the alternation of some important enterprises into state-owned companies, into the entire social development, thus achieved the social conservation of energy. Take China as another example; China is a socialist country, yet it has adjusted the original planned economy into a combination of market economy and planned economy. Public-owning system and private-owning system co-exist in one society. Capitalist producing forms such as multi-national companies and joint ventures are borrowed to this socialist country, and effectively improved the development of productivity. This also achieves the social conservation of energy.

      No matter it is a capitalist society that enters from energy first and then intensifies conversation, or a socialist society that enters from conversation first and then intensifies energy, only if it achieves the conservation of energy, it achieves the unification of socialism and capitalism.

      Today, the top layer of the world is loosing the conservation of energy. Due to the economic globalization, capitals are collected rapidly in a few large nations. These nations are holding materials that have exceed their actual needs and make them rich. However, Africa has become impoverished. This distinction is tending to be bigger and bigger. The extremeness of one thing must leads to the opposite. When this distinction was enlarged to its extremeness, the conservation of energy must be achieved in a new layer, which is to establish a world government to fulfill this adjustment. Only in this way can we achieve the unification of socialism and capitalism.

    4. The unification of public-owing system and private-owning system

      No matter a society with an outer form of socialism or one with and out form of capitalism, they all have intersecting contents. Socialism is using advanced capitalist experiences in the development of productivity as reference; and capitalism is using the socialist principal of material conservation of energy in the entire society, i.e. all wealth belongs to the society,as reference. There out, private-owned companies are tolerated inside socialism; and state-owned companies appear inside capitalism. The two societies all have both public-owning system and private-owning system.

      How could the public-owned and private-owned companies be unified? According to us, if a public-owned company leader can not improve the development of the enterprise, can not solve the workers' problems such as salary, bonus, welfare and endowment insurance, and even can not pay the tax to the nation; if he is corrupted with bribery, drinking and go whoring all the time, then we see no public-owning system on him, he is only a sinner to the working class. In the opposite, if a private-owned company owner can improve the development of the business, solve workers' problems well, pay tax to the nation in time, living a frugal life with disciplines; he is a benefactor to the people. No matter it is a public-owned company or a private-owned company, only if it pays tax to the nation, solves all the workers' problems and disciplines itself, it has achieved the unification of public-owning system and private-owning system.

    5. The unification of oriental and western cultures

      What is oriental culture? It is a cultural form that satisfies one of the two biggest desires of the people?a?athe spiritual desire. It belongs to the category of "abstinence". "Modesty" is its representing form, and "goodness" is the essence. It is not built on the basis of economic foundation, and it is relatively independent. The oriental culture is a kind of ethics derived from the relationships of the people. Concretely, it is the "five qualities (benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and honor)"and "five morals (benignancy, goodness, respectfulness, frugality and modesty)"that derive from the "five human relations (father and son, husband and wife, brothers, friends and monarch and servant)". These are universal laws that put up in a unified form in the rule of antithetic unification. It can protect the peace and stability of the society. Since it not constructed on the basis of the economic foundation, it can not improve the development of productivity, neither can it be an obstruction. Then, why should we say that the oriental culture is the footstone of social stability, as well as the shackle of social development£òThe reason is that, in order to ensure the "five qualities" and the "five morals" derived from the "five human relations", the oriental culture has intensified too much on some rules that keep people from economic affairs. For example, some epigrams such as "mean people adopt interests, men of honor adopt justice" blazons forth justice and restrains people from their human desires. It is these elements that had obstructed the development of productivity. Therefore the economic development in the orient has always been in a spontaneous state.

      Although the oriental economy was in a spontaneous state, its restrictions upon the people are much less than the shackles made by the western theology. In the west, before the middle ages, people are spiritually controlled by theology and ecclesiastic. Their lives are totally under durance and obscurantism. Therefore before the 14th century, the oriental productivity had always kept far ahead in the world.

      The western ecclesiastic durance on the people had exceeded the bearable limit. In order to break this situation, in the 14th century, the Revival of Learning took place. During the Revival, people emphasized on personality and gastronomy. They disdain the heaven. Therefore the subjective individual capability was sufficiently brought into play. The world of science was discovered and it became an age of giants. Science and technology had accelerated the rapid development of productivity. All these achievements are realized under the preconditions that individualism and humanism has enhanced the individual value. It is a cultural form that satisfies one of the two biggest desires of the people?a?athe material desire. It belongs to the category of the indulgence in sensual pleasures. Since it had represented an essence of "badness" and was characterized by a social form of "aggressiveness", it needed to be restricted, thus the birth of democracy and legal system, and a complete set of scientific administrative and supervising mechanism. The entire western superstructure had come in to being. It was derived from economic field; and this is why the western superstructure was built on the economic foundation. According to the rule of antithetic unification, the western culture belongs to the antithetic elements in the social structure. For example, in the national mechanism, the western culture emphasizes on the "schism of three powers", which is following the universal law that antithesis produces movements. When the composing departments reached their consistency, it also reflected the universal law that unification produces energy. Therefore, there is antithesis in the constitution; and there is unification in the harmony. The reason why we call the western culture a scientific administrative mechanism is that it is also a circulating rule of the universe, just like oriental moral culture.

      The oriental culture and the western culture, one belongs to the spirit, the other belongs to the material; one satisfies people's mental desire, the other satisfies people's physical desire; one belongs to the "abstinence", the other belongs to the "indulgence in sensual pleasure"; one is in the form of "modesty", the other is in the form of "aggressiveness"; one has the essence of "goodness", the other has the essence of "badness"; one intensifies the antithetic element, the other intensifies the unitive element; one is development, the other is peace; one is dynamic, the other is static; one is with sensibility, the other is without; one has illegibility, the other has strictness; one is built on the economic foundation, the other is not; etc. Therefore, these two cultures are a pair of contradictory; they are in a relationship of antithetic unification. They are two antithetic elements in one contradictory. They need to be unified and unification is their necessary destination.

      In short, oriental culture is spiritual conservation of energy; and western culture is scientific administrative mechanism. In only on word, oriental culture is "goodness" or "love"; western culture is "rule" or "law". Although the "goodness" and "love" in oriental culture could satisfy spiritual desires of the people in the human relations, its uncertainty and illegibility make people rely too much on their sensibilities, and causes errors; and although the "rule" and "law" in the western culture won't cause errors in the material relationships of the people, it lacks emotional elements and therefore can not satisfy their spiritual desire. There out, the combination of oriental and western culture is the essential need of the people, as well as the circulating rule of the universe. This combination is also the necessary tendency of the final conformity of the human society.

      That is to say, a society is embodied in different social fields and layers; under the regulation of disciplines and laws; in the people's relationship with each other with good, honest and loving hearts; and in the management of all kinds of things. In this way, it can satisfy both people's spiritual and material desires, and achieve a harmonious social state of spiritual and material conservation of energy. This is also called the invariableness of the human society, the world of Great Harmony, or Communism.

    6. The unification of the main religions in the world

      Religion (in Chinese Zong Jiao) is an idea or the sages advocated by the people. It is the grandest and loftiest appellation. "Zong" is the head and "Jiao" is education; so Zong Jiao means the A-one education. There are thousands of religions in the world, but the influential ones can be counted on one's fingers. Every religion is originally based on the theory of a sage. For example, Chinese Confucianism is based on the Confucius' canon, "the Analects", and then was developed and improved for many generations. Famous Confucians works such as "the College" and "the middlebrow" are all written by Confucius' disciples. So is the western Christianity. The "Holy Bible" was originated from the talks and speeches of Jesus. Later it was complemented by many generations and then becomes what it is today.

      No matter for which sage or ancient philosopher, their theories was advocated by the later generations because they reflects people's will and satisfies people's spiritual demand. Then what the people's spiritual demand is? It is love; it is honesty; and it is goodness. In the western Christianity, it is "God love the earthling", i.e. God love every one in the world. In the oriental Buddhism, it is "everyone has Buddhist Nature", which also means that every one in the world is beloved. No matter oriental Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, or western Christianity, Roman Catholicism and Islamism, they are accordant. No religion that has not put love, goodness and honesty on the first place.

      The five abstentions in the oriental Buddhism are no killing, no stealing, no lasciviousness, no wild talk and no alcohol. Corresponding in the Confucianism, no killing is called benevolence; no stealing is called righteousness; no lasciviousness is called fineness; no wild talk is called courtesy; and no alcohol is called wisdom. The Ten Commandments in the western Christianity covers the five abstentions of Buddhism; and besides it also demands filial piety, no fake witness and no cupidity, etc. There out, no matter oriental religions or western religions, their tenets are all accordant. Then, why don't they unify together? Why do those long-term religious wars still exist? Is it because that the adherents have not sufficiently understood the kernel of their sages' theories, or they have been mixing their own implicit thoughts with their religions and have not melt love, goodness and honesty in their souls, not mention carrying out them by action. When it happens that other people's interest conflicts with the interest of their own faction, these adherents are not weighing the situation by the sages' theories or doing through the sages' modus, but to think in their implicit ways, such as one religion considers another one as fallacy and the other considers this on as devil, and deal with the relationships among religions in a way without love, honesty and goodness. In this way, it is inevitable for these religions to fight with each other.

      In order to solve the non-solidarity and achieve the unification of religions, people from different religions must earnestly comprehend the sages' theories that they have been advocated for so many years. They must make their own thoughts concordant to the sages' thoughts, that is to say, they should treat everything and everyone with love, goodness and honesty, no matter to people, to things, to religions or to the society. If everyone can do this, the people's thoughts have reached concordance; if not, then they haven't understood the sages' theory, and there would be no concordance. If an adherent does not even understand the theory of his own sage, not even more to do, should he still be considered an adherent? Of course he should not. We believe that if every one can truly understand and comprehend the theory of the sages they have been advocating; fully practice "God love the earthling", then the unification of the main religions in the world will come when conditions are ripe.

      We believe that, there is nothing we can't do unless we can't think of. Citizens of the nations will become citizens of the world; therefore everyone should take the rise and fall of the world as his or her own responsibility. We also believe that, once people come to recognize an idea which reflecting exactly the objective world, this idea will become an inundant power. The final conformity of the human society, i.e. the world peace and unification, can not be obstructed by those people or nations who do not understand this theory. Through Internet, this theory will soon be broadcasted all over the world.

      The world of Great Harmony has been aware of by so many saints and philosophers ever since the last thousands of years. Now, it has finished its developing phase. The gate to the invariable society is opened.

      The world of Great Harmony has been dreamed of by billions of people all over the world. Now the first light of peace and unification is breaking the dark sky and the dawn is coming, it is about to illuminate all things in this world.

      People of the world today are lucky, because they are going to see a world of Great Harmony. It is like a courser that will leap across the great gulf fixed between the development and invariableness of the human society. This is going to be a gallant scene; and a paradise of freedom, happiness and harmoniousness is opening out before the people.

      Let's make our best efforts to embrace the accomplishment of this brilliant moment!
